Sonia Kreidenweis Recognized with the AGU Kaufman Outstanding Research and Unselfish Cooperation Award
It was announced on September 13 that Prof. Sonia Kreidenweis has been recognized with the Yorum J. Kaufman Outstanding Research and Unselfish Cooperation Award by the Atmospheric Sciences section of the American Geophysical Union. According to AGU, this award is presented yearly to recognize a senior scientist’s broad influence in atmospheric science. “Notable contributions can include the awardee’s exceptional creativity, inspiration of younger scientists, mentoring, international collaborations, and unselfish cooperation in research.” This award was established in 2008 in honor of Yoram J. Kaufman, a researcher who served as a mentor and devoted his career to international collaborations on atmospheric aerosols that influence the climate. The award will be presented at the atmospheric science section dinner at the upcoming Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco. Congratulations Sonia!