Defenses for Fall 2014

Dec 12, 2014
MS Defense
“The Impact of Aerosols on Space-Based Retrievals of Carbon Dioxide”

Dec 09, 2014
MS Defense
“An Observational and Theoretical Investigation of the Evolution of Biomass-Burning Aerosol Size Distributions”

Nov 21, 2014
PhD Defense
“Satellite Constraints on Surface Concentrations of Particulate Matter”

Nov 12, 2014
PhD Defense
“Building the Foundations for a Physically Based Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval over the US Southern Great Plains”

Nov 03, 2014
MS Defense
“Prediction of Total Lightning Behavior in Colorado and Alabama Thunderstorms from Storm Dynamical and Microphysical Variables”

Oct 15, 2014
MS Defense
“Storm Microphysics and Kinematics at the ARM-SGP site using Dual Polarized Radar Observations at Multiple Frequencies”

Oct 14, 2014
PhD Defense
“African Easterly Wave Energetics on Intraseasonal Timescales”

Sep 16, 2014
PhD Defense
“Wave-Mean Flow Positive Feedbacks Associated with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings”

Aug 01, 2014
MS Defense
“Effect of Latent Heating on Mesoscale Vortex Development During Extreme Precipitation: Colorado, September 2013”